All profits from our shop go directly to supporting the Ride For Charlie supported riders
Photo © Chris Meads
Ride for Charlie is a non profit company, our main source of income is from your support so any donation makes a big difference and the support we can offer to our riders.
Account name: rideforcharlie
Account number : 15182673
Sort code : 01-01-14
If you have been inspired by Charlie and would like to raise some money to help support us then please get in touch. People have done personal challenges or events to raise awareness of the Non Profit organisation and help raise vital funds and continue the legacy of Charlie.
If you have an idea or a way you think you could help then please get in touch with us as we would love to hear from you.
October 2018
Charlie never missed an opportunity, he took life with both hands and made the most of everything…if he found a stick he turned it in to a sword, if he saw a pile of mud it became a bike ramp, if he came across a scrap of fabric, he created a cushion (and gave it as a present). Whatever each day gave to Charlie he used and made something positive from it- a lesson for us all.
Amongst the unimaginable grief after losing Charlie, the Craig family didn’t give up. Instead, they found the strength to create something positive in Charlie’s memory.
As a result of that determination the “Ride for Charlie” foundation was set up.
We know how special Charlie is and losing him has left an enormous hole in our lives, what we didn’t realise was the extent, to which other people were affected and needed to show their support. People were inspired to ride, run, swim, walk, sing, bake, sew and do all sorts of other incredible things to raise money. Due to this generosity, the “Ride for Charlie” fund has been able to support determined, young riders to take part in off road cycling opportunities – riding as Charlie always did with passion, determination and integrity.
Support given by Ride for Charlie during 2017/18:
European Youth MTB championships, August 2017
Harry Birchill, Charlie Aldridge and Harriet Harnden made up Ride for Charlie’s first supported team; they raced in Graz, Austria.
2017/18 Winter Cyclo cross
Maddie Wadsworth, Anna Wadsworth, Callum Macleod, Jensen Young and Matthew Taylor were all given support from Ride for Charlie to compete in various Belgian races.
Sophie Thackery declined financial assistance but wore a jersey and represented Ride for Charlie in Belgium.
Enduro World Series. Summer 2018
Drew Armstrong was successful in his application for support to compete in 3 rounds of the EWS in Italy this summer. Although this series is not something Charlie had competed in himself, it was certainly something he would have loved to do.
European Youth MTB Championships, August 2018
Nine cyclists, making up three teams were supported this year to compete in Pila, Italy.
2018/19 European Winter Cyclo cross
Cameron Mason is currently representing Ride for Charlie at various races in Europe. We look forward to him letting us know how he does.
Additionally, during the year we have rewarded young riders and promoted Ride for Charlie by awarding jerseys to individuals who have taken part in challenges or events, to raise awareness and funds for Ride for Charlie. Also, those demonstrating determination and love for the sport.